What is Boudoir Photography?
Ask someone to define boudoir, and you will probably hear some variation of “woman’s bedroom” or “woman’s dressing room.” Maybe even “woman’s bathroom.” Now, ask someone what boudoir means in mixed company, and odds are you will also get some blushing and sly smiles.
Historically, a boudoir was a room set aside as a woman’s private retreat. It was the boudoir’s role as a private space for women, and men imagining women lounging in the boudoir in a state of undress, that has shaded the word boudoir as naughty or forbidden.
Yes, at a basic level, boudoir photography is about taking pictures of people less than fully dressed, but that is the most superficial of definitions.
Boudoir Photography is Luxurious.
A woman’s role….
A man’s role…
Boudoir is a fun, luxury Experience
These are phrases our society throws around a lot to describe how we, in our respective gender roles, are supposed to give up this or that for the greater good of our spouses, our families, and society in general. We go along with it because the reality is that we do have to set priorities about how we spend our time and money.
And yet, no one reaches their deathbed and thanks goodness that they never did anything fun or just for themselves. A boudoir photography session is a luxury experience. You work hard and you provide for everyone else in your life, and sometimes you deserve a little something just for you.
You deserve to have a unique, fun experience. You deserve to be pampered for a day. You deserve to be reminded how amazing and sexy you are. You deserve a treasured possession that highlights what a treasure you are.
Boudoir Photography is Empowering.
Speaking as a woman, we often struggle with meeting society’s expectations of the ideal body type and feeling like we are allowed to be sexual beings. Boudoir photography invites women to turn societal expectations on their head and fully embrace our bodies and our sexuality. Boudoir photography is about showing you that your body is amazing and beautiful, that you are absolutely entitled to be your own sexual being, and that no one else gets to tell you what is right or wrong for you and your body.
Thumb your nose at that hint of the forbidden and crown yourself queen.
Or crown yourself king. Body image issues are not a uniquely female phenomena, nor is wanting to capture that feeling of being sexy and desirable. Boudoir is for men and women. We can all benefit from feeling empowered to be our authentic, beautiful, sexy selves.
Intimate portraiture for men and women.
Boudoir photography is sexy.
Embracing your body and your sexuality is empowering. At Boudoir By J Anderson, we strongly believe in the transformative power of boudoir photography. We want to help you unleash your inner Goddess or God.
We also strongly believe in having sexy fun!
Whether you are interested in a Boudoir Experience because you want a keepsake or plan to share your photos as a gift with a special someone, you are creating a work of art that memorializes how incredibly sexy you are. Many of our clients return to the studio on a regular basis because they want to document how their body has changed over time and chronicle how they have learned to let go of the limits that society tries to put on our sexual expression.
As a boudoir photographer, I get especially excited when couples join us in the studio. All my clients are sexy, but there is an extra special something when the camera captures the chemistry of two partners being intimate with each other and sharing their sexual space.
We are sexual beings. Boudoir photography captures and celebrates our sexiness.